Source code for datakit.command_helpers

import logging
import os

import datakit.utils

from .utils import read_json, write_json

[docs]class CommandHelpers: """ Mixin class containing common helper methods for Datakit plugins. Intended to be sub-classed alongside Cliff Command. :Usage: * Create a plugin command that subclasses both CommandHelpers and Cliff's `Command class <>`_. * Define :py:attr:`CommandHelpers.plugin_slug` (i.e. the root of plugin's repo). * Optionally, customize the :py:attr:`CommandHelpers.default_configs` property (which must return a dictionary) .. note:: *default_configs* is a `property <>`_. Please do not forget to use the decorator when you override in a subclass! :Example: .. code:: from cliff.command import Command from datakit import CommandHelpers class SomeCommand(CommandHelpers, Command): plugin_slug = 'my-plugin' def take_action(self, parsed): print('do stuff') @property def default_configs(self): return { 'foo' : 'bar' } """ log = logging.getLogger(__name__) plugin_slug = None
[docs] def update_configs(self, new_configs): configs = self.configs configs.update(new_configs) self.write_configs(configs) return configs
[docs] def write_configs(self, configs): datakit.utils.mkdir_p(self.plugin_config_parent_dir) write_json(self.plugin_config_path, configs)
@property def configs(self): try: configs = read_json(self.plugin_config_path) except FileNotFoundError: configs = self.default_configs self.write_configs(configs) return configs @property def plugin_config_parent_dir(self): return os.path.join( datakit.utils.home_dir(), 'plugins', self.plugin_slug ) @property def plugin_config_path(self): return os.path.join( self.plugin_config_parent_dir, 'config.json' ) @property def default_configs(self): return {}